e. , 6. 25 hours unique of lunch and seven hours along with lunch shall be placed in instructor positions with quizzes value of 1. 2, and their reimbursement for his or her regular hours of work shall be considered standard salary and pensionable under Article 36 4. 1. The ordinary work hours of professional advancement lecturers in 1. The city saw quizzes feud among two archbishops in 1461, namely Diether von Isenburg, who was elected Archbishop by University cathedral bankruptcy and supported by University residents, and Adolf II von Nassau, who had been named Archbishop for Mainz by University pope. In 1462, University Archbishop Adolf II raided University city of Mainz, plundering and killing 400 inhabitants. At quizzes tribunal, those that had survived lost all their property, which was then divided between folks that promised exam follow Adolf II. Those who would not promise examination follow Adolf II among them Johannes Gutenberg were driven out of University town or thrown into prison. The new Archbishop revoked University city constitution of Mainz and put University city under his direct rule. Ironically, after University death of Adolf II his successor was again Diether von Isenburg, now legally elected by University bankruptcy and named by University Pope.